Canada-Manitoba Job Grant 2024/2025 Intake
What is the Job Grant?
The Canada-Manitoba Job Grant is a cost-shared funding program that provides funding to employers to help cover training costs of new and existing employees to meet business needs, support the development of a highly skilled workforce, boost economic growth and increase employment opportunities across Manitoba. Training must be delivered by an external third party. Employers decide which of their employees need training, the training they need, who will deliver the training, and when it will occur.
Why the need for Supply Chain training?
The pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities and weaknesses in global supply chains. Businesses need to re-evaluate their strategies and develop resilience to future shocks. Supply chain management training can help businesses identify risks, build strong supplier relationships, and improve profitability.
Look to Supply Chain Manitoba to:
- Customize training programs that are tailored to meet your organization’s needs
- Provide the training plan and evaluation required by the job grant
SCMP and SMT programs offered by Supply Chain Canada, Manitoba Institute are eligible for the funding.

For information about how to apply
Manitoba Government Inquiry
Fact sheet, FAQ and Application
Manitoba Government Website